Long Jump
Minggu, 15 Mei 2011
Long jump event is a sport in which athletes try to land as far as possible from where it was originally addressed.
They are competing to run the route (at the elite level, usually have the same surface with a running track) and jump as far as possible with the stepped face of the wooden planks into the sand or soil are filled. The minimum distance from the board to sign made by the athletes in the sand were measured. If a person started lompatannya with any part of his leg in front of or over boards (a layer of plasticine is placed immediately in front of the board to detect the accuracy of this), one or lompatannya declared void and no distance is recorded.
The actual format of the competition is different, but in general, participants will have several times attempted to make the leap and just jump the longest will be treated as a decision. The candidate with the best legal jump away at the end of the match will be counted as a champion.
During high-speed run and jump is the key to the long jump. Thus it is not surprising that sprint athletes also competed and won this event.
Long jump has been made as part of the Olympic Games .
The event is also recorded as two of the world record of longest standing in any track and field events. In 1935 , Jesse Owens had not broken the world record until 1960 by Ralph Boston.
Long jump is one of the Olympic events in ancient Greece. An athlete will hold the load in the hands of the so-called halteres. Charges will be posted to the front line when an athlete jumps to increase the momentum and was thrown back when in the air to push it forward. Dingati the most ancient events is a man called Chionis in which the 656 BC Olympic long jump record 7 m 5 cm.
Long jump

Long jump motion is a movement from a combination of velocity (speed), Strength (stenght), Flexibility (flexibility), durability (endurance), Accuracy (acuration).
The researchers proved that a long jump achievement depends on the speed rather than the prefix or square off. therefore, in addition to having a good sprint capability must be supported also by the ability of repulsion foot or pedestal.
Long jump technique
Square off
The aim is to square off to get the highest speed to push forward the larger mass. Distance square off depending on the maturity and ability berekselerasi kecepatanya, and to improve the speed square off needed a good exercise program, and also the accuracy of rivet. As the training of distance square off short by starting from the 5 steps, 7 steps, 9 steps and so on looking at the legs when rested.
It is a movement that is important to determine the outcome of the jump that sempurrna.
Agency should not be too biased when the rivet as well as doing away / square off. Pedestal must be strong, quick and active body balance is maintained so as not wobbling / wavering. Little weight in front of the pivot, the movement menelapak feet from heel to toe, with a fast tempo. Movement of arm swing is very helpful to add height and also maintain the balance of the body.
Drift motion in the moments after leaving a balance beam pedestal and strived to stay awake with the help swing both hands so that moves in the air. To perform this movement there are several techniques. First, Float with squat stance rested by the time the swing leg as high knee lift, followed by the foot pivot and then before landing both feet are brought forward. Second, Float with manner how to do that depends which time swinging left foot rested hanging straight, body straight and then followed by the foot pivot with knees bent stance while his hips pushed forward and then the two arms stretched upward. A balance needs to be considered for permanent body tepelihara until landing.
These movements should be two feet when landing. Noteworthy is the second leg on landing at the same landing followed by a drive hips forward so that the body does not tend to fall backwards which resulted in detriment of the jumper itself.
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